Tuesday, 25 October 2016


EXERCISE C 1a. "They" refers to the narrator's and George's eyes in the first line. b.Their eyes rested upon a dusty glass case. c. They found a trout in the glass case. d. At first, the narrator thought it was a cod. 2a. The landlord is the speaker. He is speaking to George and the narrator. b. These were men who used to come to the inn and claimed to have caught the trout. c. It refers to the trout. d. No, the trout was not a real stuffed fish, butwas made of plaster of Paris. EXERCISED. Ans1. According to the local carrier, he had remarkably caught the trout with a fly. Ans2. THe landlord said that he had caught the trout himself when he was a boy without any art or skill but by sheer luck. He was paying truant from school and went fishing. He caught the trout with a bit of string attached to the end of a tree. Ans3. The strange thing about the shattering of the trout was that a stuffed fish could not have broken into pieces. HOTS Ans1. The villagers were trying to brag about their fishing skills and fool the visitors into believing their stories. There was no malice involved as they were only trying to have fun at the expense of the ignorant visitors.

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