Tuesday 19 April 2016

Class 7 Chapter 3 , My Bank Account

Exercise B
Ans1. As he stepped inside , the sight of the clerks terrified the narrator. With great effort , he walked up to a window marked "Account" and asked to see the manager in private.

Ans2. The narrator thought that everyone needs to speak to the manager before opening account. Moreover, he was nervous. Thus, he asked to see the manager.

Ans3. The narrator's strange , nervous manner made the manager take him for a detective from Pinkerton's.

Ans4. As soon as he had opened his account , the narrator expressed the desire to draw  a cheque.

Ans5. The narrator knew that he had become a subject of mockery for everyone in the bank, so, to save himself from further embarrassment , he decided to withdraw all his money rather than his fault.

Ans6. Now, the narrator keeps his cash in his pocket and his savings in his silver dollars in a sock.

HOTS Questions.

Ans 1. The narrator's nervous manner had made the manager very anxious and he took him to be a detective who has come to give him some bad news. Expecting the worst , the manager had become very tense. So, when the narrator told him that he wanted to open an account in the bank, the manager felt enraged at his stupid behaviour and immediately asked him to have in a cold manner.

Ans3. It was apparent to everyone that the narrator was a nervous wreck and was struggling to keep his calm. When he filled out a cheque to withdraw all the money that he had deposited a minute before , all the clerks looked at him in disbelief.

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