Friday, 29 April 2016

Lesson 3 Tolerance Class 6

Ans1. Every time the wicked neighbor spat on him. Saint Eknath , without a word of reproach , went back to have a dip in the river Ganga. He did so, more than a dozen times.

Ans2. Saint Eknath did not lose his temper because he loved everyone and possessed tolerance in great measures.

Ans3.Because of the huge diversity of the land, tolerance is specially needed in India. Indians follow more than six religious , speak over 22 different languages, follow different dress codes and social customs and have different food habits.

Ans4. Tolerance indicates a sense of separateness. If we are tolerating people , it means we do not like them. So, we should be positive in our approach and like people and love them.

Ans5. The sensible approach is to acknowledge respect and appreciate differences and willingly put up with them.

2. Tolerance is rather passive virtue because putting up with something we do not like without any complaint or protest does not lead to any positive action. Tolerance is not only passive it is also negative as it indicates a sense of separateness.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Class 7 ,Chapter 2 , Authorship

Class 7 Chapter 3 , My Bank Account

Exercise B
Ans1. As he stepped inside , the sight of the clerks terrified the narrator. With great effort , he walked up to a window marked "Account" and asked to see the manager in private.

Ans2. The narrator thought that everyone needs to speak to the manager before opening account. Moreover, he was nervous. Thus, he asked to see the manager.

Ans3. The narrator's strange , nervous manner made the manager take him for a detective from Pinkerton's.

Ans4. As soon as he had opened his account , the narrator expressed the desire to draw  a cheque.

Ans5. The narrator knew that he had become a subject of mockery for everyone in the bank, so, to save himself from further embarrassment , he decided to withdraw all his money rather than his fault.

Ans6. Now, the narrator keeps his cash in his pocket and his savings in his silver dollars in a sock.

HOTS Questions.

Ans 1. The narrator's nervous manner had made the manager very anxious and he took him to be a detective who has come to give him some bad news. Expecting the worst , the manager had become very tense. So, when the narrator told him that he wanted to open an account in the bank, the manager felt enraged at his stupid behaviour and immediately asked him to have in a cold manner.

Ans3. It was apparent to everyone that the narrator was a nervous wreck and was struggling to keep his calm. When he filled out a cheque to withdraw all the money that he had deposited a minute before , all the clerks looked at him in disbelief.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Class 6 English Children who are wanted every hour

Q1. What kind of children are always in demand?
Ans. Children who can work hard, determinedly and wholeheartedly, who do not give up or lose hope when faced with problems and those who are willing to take up challenges happily, are always in demand.
Q2. What kind of children are not liked by anyone?
Ans. Children who are always cribbing and crying over trifles, the ones who are always found complaining and blaming others, those who aren't ready to face challenges and give up easily are not liked by anyone.
Q3. How, according to the speaker, is a nation's destiny made?
Ans. A nation's destiny is defined by the type of children it has and their attitude towards life. Children who are ready to put in effort and overcome all obstacles are bound to bring success and glory to their country.
Q4. Define rhyme scheme. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
Ans. The rhyming pattern of different lines of a poem is called its rhyme scheme. The rhyme scheme of the poem is abcb.
Q5. What is alliteration? Find out examples of alliteration from the poem.
Ans. The repetition of same sound at the beginning of words that are close to each other in a line of the poem is called alliteration. Examples from the poem are:
Weak and whining
To the task
From your future effort

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Class 6 English. Lesson. HOME

Exercise C
Ans1. Suraj's father thought Suraj was useless because Suraj had scored very low marks. His school report stated that he did not pay attention in the class.

Ans2.Suraj kept quiet while his father scolded him because he knew his silence would irritate his father all the more.

Ans3. After the scolding, Suraj went out and stood in the drizzle for some time. Then, he decided to leave his home and go away. He wanted to teach a lesson to his parents, especially his father, for being so unjust to him.

Ans4. Suraj had planned to stay at his friend Ranji's house until he found some sort of work. But, when he reached Ranji's house, he found the house shut and the door locked. Thus, he felt low.

Ans5. The gardener advised Suraj to go back home, wait for Ranji to come back, plan his move properly and then run away from home.

Ans6. Suraj had grown tired, thirsty and hungry. He had nothing to do and nowhere to go. So, Suraj decided to go back home. By the time Suraj reached home, his father's anger had faded. His parents behaved in their usual  manner, may be because they never realized that Suraj had tried  to run away from home.

Ans1. Suraj felt offended as no one appreciated him for being good at cricket. His father seemed to notice only his poor academic performance. Thus, Suraj felt hurt.