Sunday, 28 August 2016


EXERCISEA Ans1. When a country goes to war, the bloodshed destroys the purity of the earth. The weapons of the war defile the air.Infact, we destroy our own land and earth by taking up arms against any country because the whole earth belongs to us. The poet compares war with long winter. In winter, with prolonged snow, plants etc are destroyed and living beings have to starve.Similarly, during wars, there is a loss of lives and people face shortage of food. Ans3. When we hate others, we betray ourselves because we are all the same. When we condemn others, we condemn our own kind. Ans4. Wars are always disastrous. War destroys the purity of land and air and brings destruction, misery and suffering. Ans5. 'Hells of fire" refers to the weapons of war which cause destruction, chaos and misery to everyone. EXERCISE B 1a. 'Brothers" refers to the people living on the earth. b. We all walk on the same earth and go back to the same earth when we die. 2a. Lines on the palms of our hands are referred to here. b. The lines tell that other people also work hard to make a livelihood, like us. 3a. Evil people like the politicians, rulers, terrorists etc tell us to hate others. b. This happens when evil thoughts take root in the mind and we are afflicted with greed, jealousy, hatred and other negative thoughts.