Tuesday 16 February 2016

Class 7 Literature Revision

Q1 Who was the chieftain? Why was he running away and from whom?
Q2. What did the chieftain offer the boat man? Did the boatman accept his offer?
Q3. Did Lord Ullin's daughter want to meet her father? How do you know?
Q4. What happened when Lord Ullin reached the shore?
i. For should he find us in the glen
   My blood would stain the heather
ii. One lovely hand she stretched for aid
      And one was round her lover
iii. The waters wild went o'er his child
      And he was left lamenting
Q6. According to you, what kind of a person was Lord Ullin?
Q7. What was father's opinion of Swami?
Q8. Why did father harp on the subject of courage?
Q9. What was father's solution for making Swami courageous? Was Swami happy with the solution?
Q10. How is courage different from strength?
Q11. What was the newspaper article about?
Q12. Write a character sketch of Swami.
Q13. What were the spectators excited about?
Q14. Where had the spectators gathered and why?
Why does the poet call it "Special Olympics"?
Q15. What message does the poem convey?
Q16. Why d8d the youngest athlete cry out? What did the other athletes do when they heard him cry?
Q17. To whom did the spectators give a standing ovation and why?